A lot of people asked me what I did over the holiday weekend. I best answered that question by saying what I didn’t do. I did not sit in crazy traffic trying to get somewhere. I did not feel frantic because I needed to pack and get organized to go on a trip. I did not turn on my computer. I did not return emails on my Blackberry. I did not work. For three days I was present for those in my life.\n\nLike many parents I see my son growing up in front of my eyes. I try to squeeze in school events, sporting events, play dates, homework, home cooked meals all while running a business. This results in me taking a call here or sending a text there when I need to be present. My son not only notices, but he calls me on it. At one of his recent baseball games, he caught me on my Blackberry. I was busted. He was hurt. What was the point of being there if I wasn’t going to watch.\n\nI see many leaders do this with their employees as well. They take a call when they are in the middle of a meeting or they turn mid-sentence to check their computer when a new email arrives. This type of behavior not only drives employees crazy, but it is damaging to the relationship. It says to them that they are unimportant. Trust is broken. So, whether it’s with employees, customers or family members, leaders need to give their undivided attention, listen and be in the moment.\n\nPresence is being fully conscious and aware in the present moment. It was fun to be present. It was relaxing to be present. I plan to do it more often.
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