Key to the health and sustainability of any nonprofit is recruiting and retaining highly qualified, engaged, skilled, enthusiastic people to serve on the board. Today OneOC launched a three-part Board Excellence series featuring Janine McDonald, LaVal Brewer and Paul VanDolah as facilitators.\n
Over a dozen Orange County nonprofits attended the first workshop to learn how to build an effective board. McDonald shared a 9-Step process to build a board that will help achieve organizational goals and increase community impact.
\nParticipants spent time defining recruitment roles of the board, governance committee and executive director. They were also given tools to help:\n
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- Identify and cultivate potential candidates
- Educate and engage board members
- Evaluate and celebrate board performance
Part two of the series will focus on taking the mystery out of fundraising for board members and will be held on April 25.
Part three of the series, Advanced Board Engagement, will move boards beyond rubber stamping and into active decision-making and accountability and will be held on May 23.
\nOneOC works to accelerate the success of Orange County nonprofits with volunteer, training, consulting and business services. The series or any part of the series can be delivered to in tact boards and staff members at their site or location as well.\n\n
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