\n\nThe Association for Talent Development (ATD) Orange County Chapter, formerly ASTD, honored Janine McDonald, CEO of J9 Leading Solutions with the Distinguished Service Award and the Walt Tait Community Service Award at their annual recognition event.\n\nMcDonald who served on the Board of Directors for two years and co-facilitated the Organizational Development Special Interest Group for the past four years has made a significant contribution to the chapter and a strong commitment to the training and development profession earning her the Distinguished Service Award.\n\nFor her exemplary service to OC nonprofits through her affilation with OneOC she awarded the Walt Tait Community Service Award for creating good will and respect in the community for ATD and the profession of training and development. McDonald currently serves on the Board of the Make A Wish OC/IE and she is the Chair of the Women’s Circle of Wishes.\n\nATD is the world’s largest association dedicated to those who develop talent in organizations. ATD recognizes excellence and sets the standards for best practices in talent development. These professionals, like McDonald, help others achieve their full potential by improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
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