We are all a work in progress, myself included. As I reflected on the year, and asked myself what change I could make to enrich my life and those around me, I realized my fierce independent streak could use some outside help and influence. Just because you think you can do it all, doesn’t mean you should try. My dog already knows this because she never turns down a treat, a belly rub or a toy thrown to fetch, she is willing to receive whatever I have to give without hesitation or question.
So I have decided to be more deliberate about asking for help, support and advise and to be open and receptive to what others have to share with me. I started small and instead of racing home to walk my dog between a day with a client and an evening event, I asked my neighbor if she could help. She was delighted and her two children joined her to make a a fun family experience for them. In an odd way, as I was receiving help, I was also giving a gift to the person that helped me.
In a more business related example, I am working on some new business projects that require skill sets I don’t have such as video production. I asked someone I knew, she made a referral and then he made a referral and now I am connected with someone that can help me in this area. In the process, I had great conversations and since I value personal relationships, this was a source of energy as well as taking me one step closer to my goal.
I was meeting with another colleague, who had turned her content and knowledge into professional workbooks that I frequently use with clients. I was interested in learning how to do the same with my materials, she not only offered to help but came to my office so we could have a hands on session. People are generous and willing to give of their time and talent, if you are willing to ask and receive.
For the coming year, it is my intention to be open and receptive to what others have to offer and to seek out help more often. I have set a practice to reflect at the end of the day and ask myself:
- What have I given today?
- What have I received?
- How did it help me?
- How is my life better?
- What have I learned?
- Did I make asking others for help or what I need a priority today?
If this idea, is one that you’ve found helpful please share a comment.
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