I was in a meeting the other day and the person said, I’ve taken too much time and started to rush. I was able to assure her, it was alright I was getting value out of the conversation and I had the capacity in my schedule to continue our talk. In other words I didn’t have another meeting piled right on top of that one.\n\nI shared that I was trying to be less hurried and rushed all the time to go from one appointment or meeting to another. She said, a colleague of hers had called that “blank space,” and how important it was in managing time and productivity. By preserving time in your schedule that is “blank” you create time for thinking, getting project work done, or continuing an important conversation.\n\nIt’s so true, that in every day there are unexpected things that come up and by allowing some blank space in your day you can adapt, flex and be in the moment more easily.
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