No one gives you initiative. You have to take it. This was core to best-selling author Seth Godin message in his new book Poke the Box. Seth shared this message with a crowd of 700 members at Segerstrom Hall in Orange County, California, hosted by Bryan Elliott Founder of LinkedOrangeCounty.\n\nHe called it the “revolution” of our time. We simply can’t do what we did yesterday and we certainly shouldn’t be waiting for someone to tell us what to do tomorrow. Initiative is the secret ingredient. Today’s workers need to – ACT, START, TRY, GO! He suggests running toward that which we are afraid of so we might discover it’s not as powerful as we imagined… so then we can stop holding ourselves back.\n\nHe asked the audience to consider what it means “to take up a seat in this world” and how many of the 6 billion+ people on the earth would love to have our seat just for the most basic conveniences our lives afford – clean water, food and shelter. Then he encouraged us to “Go – make something happen.”\n\n“Imagine that the world had no middlemen, no publishers, no bosses, no HR folks, no one telling you what you couldn’t do. If you lived in that world, what would you do? Go. Do that.” ~Seth Godin\n\nNot everything we try will work out. But there cannot be success without failure. What are you waiting for????\n\n\n
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