Bliss vs. Burnout


I love my work and my life, but increasingly I find that I am in the minority.  Why? Burnout. Too many demands.  Not enough breaks.  Lack of sleep.  Junk food. Technology.  And the list goes

Bliss vs. Burnout2014-06-04T17:25:11-08:00

Walk for Wishes


Powered by wish families, volunteers, donors and friends, Walk For Wishes is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the thousands of wishes that have already been granted, while raising funds for future wishes. My son Connor

Walk for Wishes2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Volunteers Lift Us Up


Over 1,100 people gathered for 38th Annual Spirit of Volunteerism Awards to honor Orange County's outstanding volunteers and the 2014 Giving is Living Nonprofit /Corporate Partnership recipients  Habitat for Humanities of Orange County and The

Volunteers Lift Us Up2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Teamwork, Synergy & Trust


What is the one thing that can change everything?  Trust.   Imagine the difference it would make if you were able to increase the amount of trust in the important personal and professional relationships in

Teamwork, Synergy & Trust2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

The Yoga of Leadership


Yoga is a way to unite the mind, body and spirit.  It has been a path to a happier, healthier and more mindful existence for me.  I am excited to share that I recently completed

The Yoga of Leadership2013-10-08T15:55:16-08:00

Go Team


J9 Leading Solutions is now a certified Go Team Training provider.  With 18 team-critical topics, Go Team, is a complete team-training resource that supports all kinds of teams, included brand new teams as well as

Go Team2013-09-04T11:05:45-08:00

Less Bark, More Wag


A workshop participant summed up quality service as barking less and wagging more.  What a wonderful metaphor for the staff at the Bowers Museum to consider as they gathered for a workshop on enhancing the visitor

Less Bark, More Wag2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

The Horse Whisperer


Human Options board members and staff recently gathered at the The Shea Thereputic Riding Center for a day of team building and strategic alignment. Representing OneOC, Janine McDonald joined the team at the Shea Center to facilitate the

The Horse Whisperer2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

The Community Partnership Movement


The first of its kind in the US, Better 4 Business was dynamic Nonprofit Expo featuring 200 innovative and creative nonprofits.\n\nThe goal is to "Break Down the Wall" and bring together nonprofits, social enterprises, small,

The Community Partnership Movement2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

McDonald Elected President of Alumni Association


As an alumna of Chapman's MAOL program, Janine McDonald, the CEO/Founder of J9 Leading Solutions was elected President of the Alumni Association.  Janine is a strategic change leadership expert with a passion for organizational development

McDonald Elected President of Alumni Association2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00
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