Straight from the Horse’s Mouth


People crave feedback.   They don't receive enough of it.  Often when they do receive it, they are unsure what to do with it.  Ever see someone mutter with embarrassment when they are praised or

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

Be Indispensable


How would you like to learn how to identify hard-dollar initiatives that you can immediately implement to improve your organization's bottom line?    Then you must read  Indispensable by Monday, by Larry Myler.   This

Be Indispensable2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

Orangewood Announces Capacity Building Sub-Award Grantees


On May 13, 2010, Orangewood Children’s Foundation, lead agency of the Orange County Capacity Building Program (OCCBP), announced the sub-award recipients of its competitive application process. The sub-awards are provided through a two-year Federal grant

Orangewood Announces Capacity Building Sub-Award Grantees2010-06-10T21:38:40-08:00

Be Present


A lot of people asked me what I did over the holiday weekend.    I best answered that question by saying what I didn't do.  I did not sit in crazy traffic trying to get

Be Present2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

Lessons from the Dirt


What happens when you put a 43 year-old women on her 8 year-old son’s dirt bike?  Extreme peril.\n\nAfter a day of watching my son work on his motocross skills at the track, he asked if

Lessons from the Dirt2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

35 is the new 80


Remember the days when people bragged about the hours they logged at the office.   It was a badge of honor to be the last person to leave the office.   The tide is changing.\n\nI was reconnecting with

35 is the new 802017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

BIA OC Celebrates Academy Graduates


Twelve members of  The Building Industry Association of Orange County received recognition as graduates from the President's Leadership Academy (PLA) Representing the full spectrum of business involved in the home-building industry including home builders, architects,

BIA OC Celebrates Academy Graduates2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

The Truth about Motivation


As a consultant I've been asked by many leaders, "How do I motivate my people?" Last week I had the opportunity to hear author,  Daniel Pink speak on the topic of his latest book, "Drive:

The Truth about Motivation2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

Developing a Culture of Trust


Kathy Bardsley, Manager, Leadership & Organizational Development, from Cox Communications, Orange Coast recently spoke on the topic of "Starting at the Top - Developing a Culture of Trust" for the Orange County chapter of the American Society of

Developing a Culture of Trust2010-03-09T20:52:45-08:00

Undercover Boss


As Super Bowl fever sweep the country, it was the new show called Undercover Boss that followed that caught my attention.   That officially makes me an Organizational Development geek, right?   The premise of the show

Undercover Boss2010-02-09T22:35:03-08:00
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