Find Your Center


I  recently saw Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians with my son, a holiday film about good versus evil and how belief can triumph over fear and be a powerful motivator.\n\nIn one scene Santa Claus tries to

Find Your Center2012-12-17T13:05:35-08:00

Inspiring Leaders


I am privileged to spend time in the presence of great leaders both professionally and personally.  As a new feature to the blog, I'd like to showcase "thoughts on leadership" from leaders I know and respect, starting

Inspiring Leaders2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

The Power of Positive Thinking


This coming Sunday I will run my first half marathon, Big Sur at Monterey Bay.  I'll be joined by my two friends, Karen Waller and Julee Holland, and 9,000 other runners on a scenic journey

The Power of Positive Thinking2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Gratitude’s Gumption


"Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order and confusion into clarity.  It turns problems into gifts, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events."  Melodie Beattie\n\nGratitude is the restorative agent of well-being.

Gratitude’s Gumption2012-11-15T17:21:25-08:00

Ethical Edge Leaders of Integrity Awards


I attended a celebration of ethical excellence at the Ethical Edge LEADERS OF INTEGRITY awards luncheon as a guest of Don Harrell, Branch Manager of Merrill Lynch Laguna Niguel.\n\nThe special event  honored four Orange County leaders who

Ethical Edge Leaders of Integrity Awards2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Chasing Mavericks


I love books and I love movies, so really I love a good story.  My favorites are based on true stories.  I am particularly drawn to stories of the underdog overcoming great odds and the

Chasing Mavericks2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Missionary of Balance


Today a client called me a "missionary of balance."  There it is in a nut shell.  It's true I spend a great deal of time trying to persuade others about a particular set of principles

Missionary of Balance2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Energy Zappers


Simply defined "energy" is our capacity to do work. Many people I talk with are heading for an "energy crisis."  They are stressed, over-whelmed and on the brink of collapse.   All is not lost,

Energy Zappers2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Detour Ahead


I frequently run a loop around  a lake in the Laguna Niguel Regional Park.   Today, I ran into a detour.  They were working on the bridge so I couldn't go on my normal route.

Detour Ahead2012-09-18T17:27:05-08:00

The Balance Between Ease and Effort


My weekly visit to the yoga studio is meant as a physical challenge and mental reprise from work.  Yet very often a comment by the yoga instructor will strike a cord and bring clarity to

The Balance Between Ease and Effort2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00
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