Let Loose and Let Your Employees Run Free


I walk my dog Dakota twice a day. In the morning we go out to the beach and if we are out there before 8 a.m. (when animal control starts to patrol the beach) I

Let Loose and Let Your Employees Run Free2017-01-19T14:56:54-08:00

Three Secret Ingredients for an Unforgettable Meeting


As the new year starts many leaders want to engage their teams in strategy discussions and goal planning.  In their zeal to get to the work of determining goals and writing action plans, leaders often

Three Secret Ingredients for an Unforgettable Meeting2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

A Path to the Best You: Reflection & Intention


Before forging the path ahead, it's important to pause and reflect on the past year.  In a recent live Facebook video, I shared a simple method to help with this process.  It starts with asking

A Path to the Best You: Reflection & Intention2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Simple Acts of Leadership


December is not a time to wind down, it's time to kick your focus on being a better leader into high gear.  As a holiday gift for you I have created a December Leadership Accelerator Calendar.

Simple Acts of Leadership2016-12-05T15:06:40-08:00

A Skilled Facilitator Wears Many Hats


I facilitate hundreds of meetings every year.  When I am in the role of the facilitator, I  guide the participants through a series of steps that result in them creating their solution. I don't tell

A Skilled Facilitator Wears Many Hats2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Ditch the Mask and Be You


We all wear masks and not just on October 31st.  There is the mask we wear for the world normally exposing only a small part of ourselves, and generally just the part we want you

Ditch the Mask and Be You2016-10-31T16:27:36-08:00

Be a Team Leader People Want to Follow


In a Leadership Circle discussion about how the leader acts and behaves in a high performing team, participants shared what they experienced and came up with the following list. They lead by example and act

Be a Team Leader People Want to Follow2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Hug the Moment:  A Day of Breaks, Crashes and Pests


Some weeks are less than awesome.  I recently returned home from a business trip to an aphid infestation, a hacked computer and a broken tooth.  So I sprayed the aphids, took the computer to Microsoft

Hug the Moment:  A Day of Breaks, Crashes and Pests2018-11-29T15:21:28-08:00

9 Steps to a Happier Workplace


As part of  a client workshop with 60 employees, I asked the participants to write a script and share with their coworkers and managers: How I work best ... What I need to do my

9 Steps to a Happier Workplace2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Be Open to Receive


We are all a work in progress, myself included.  As I reflected on the year, and asked myself what change I could make to enrich my life and those around me, I realized my fierce

Be Open to Receive2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00
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