For Better Results, Manage Your Energy


Help me manage my time. Help me prioritize my work. Help me get more done. Okay!  I recorded a podcast that can help you get more done in less time by focusing not on checklists

For Better Results, Manage Your Energy2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

The Threads of Life


In honor of this holiday of the heart, I wanted to share a favorite poem, Threads by James Autry, author of Love and Profit: The Art of Caring Leadership.  Over 20 years ago a professor shared this

The Threads of Life2016-02-05T16:04:32-08:00

Horrible Bosses


They are out there.  Yelling, controlling, taking credit for your work and playing favorites. In fact, 36 percent of American workers have a boss they described as “dysfunctional" or horrible.  What makes a boss horrible? Bad

Horrible Bosses2016-02-10T10:12:31-08:00

Jamboree Leaders Graduate


Leaders at Jamboree gathered to celebrate the graduation of  employees from a customized leadership program.  As their guide on this leadership journey I look forward to the participants sharing what was meaningful about our time

Jamboree Leaders Graduate2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Fall More, Learn More


Skiing down an a steep run filled with moguls, I caught an edge and fell hard.  My son whose skills had advanced so we could tackle these more challenging runs was behind me.  He also

Fall More, Learn More2016-01-13T14:43:58-08:00

Change, A Crashing Wave


Do you feel like a wave is crashing over you, ready to take you out, and drag you to the bottom leaving you breathless and grasping for air?  A client recently used this metaphor of

Change, A Crashing Wave2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Teamwork, Synergy & Trust


What is the one thing that can change everything?  Trust.   Imagine the difference it would make if you were able to increase the amount of trust in the important personal and professional relationships in

Teamwork, Synergy & Trust2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

The Yoga of Leadership


Yoga is a way to unite the mind, body and spirit.  It has been a path to a happier, healthier and more mindful existence for me.  I am excited to share that I recently completed

The Yoga of Leadership2013-10-08T15:55:16-08:00

The Horse Whisperer


Human Options board members and staff recently gathered at the The Shea Thereputic Riding Center for a day of team building and strategic alignment. Representing OneOC, Janine McDonald joined the team at the Shea Center to facilitate the

The Horse Whisperer2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

The Gift of Feedback


This year give yourself the gift of gathering feedback from other people. Try this: interview two people - one you work with and one at home. These should be people who are important to you, people

The Gift of Feedback2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00
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